The port of Santander manages to move in October the largest number of cars in its history-Press NOTE (11/17/2015)

16 Nov 2015
The port of Santander manages to move in October the largest number of cars in its history With 49,499 vehicles, Santander managed to overcome its previous registered record of cars that corresponded to the month of February of this year. With these figures, the port hopes to close 2015 with its best vehicle traffic result. Santander November 9, 2015. The 49,499 vehicles registered in October make all the movement records of this type of traffic in the port of Santander have improved. Thus, with 17,155 import units and 32,344 export the figure exceeded 43.2% the same month of 2014 in which 34,576 units were manipulated. The brand that has had the best behavior this month has been Renault with 23,992 cars operated compared to 16,094 of the previous year, which represents an increase of 49.1%. This month adds to the good results of the previous ones, which provides that 2015 will be the best year in the history of the port of Santander, as far as vehicle movement is concerned. With two traffic records - February, with 45,515 units and October, with 49,499 - the accumulated of the year amounts to 369,597 cars compared to 299,498 of the same period the previous year. That is, an increase of 23.4%. These good results are mainly due to the commitment of manufacturers, shipping companies and operators with the Port Authority of Santander. In addition, the involvement of the main automobile traffic actors is being accompanied by the investment effort of the Port Authority that, during the last year, has allocated about two million euros to the improvement of some of the infrastructure destined for this type of traffic. Among them, the railroad with the execution of a new route dedicated to the loading and discharge of cars trains that adds to the existing three. In addition, it has renewed more than 54,000 square meters of pavements, most of them in the springs of Raos 7 and Raos 8 destined to the storage of cars, and has improved the lighting of the Ferroportua Terminal of loading and discharge of vehicles and the roads of service.