The Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, of September 5, which approves the Consolidated Text of the State Ports and Merchant Marine Law, published in BOE No. 253 of October 20, 2011, contains the regulations governing the system for the application of fees and tariffs in Port Authorities.
Port services may be provided directly by the Port Authorities or through indirect management by any procedure recognized by law. The provision of these services entails the payment of fees or tariffs.
Port charges are levied for the private or special use of the public port domain and for the provision of maritime signaling services, and tariffs are levied for the provision of port services or commercial services.
The following is a list of the different rates and tariffs applicable in the Santander Port Authority:
T-0. Vessel Tax
DOWNLOAD T-1. Merchandise Tax
DOWNLOAD T-2. Passenger Fee
DOWNLOAD T-3. Goods Fee
DOWNLOAD T-4. Fresh Fish Fee
DOWNLOAD T-5. Sport and Recreational Boats Tax
DOWNLOAD T-6. Tax for special use of the transit area
DOWNLOAD T-7. Storage Fee
DOWNLOAD T-8. Supply Fee
DOWNLOAD T-9. Tax miscellaneous services
DOWNLOAD Reception fee for waste generated by ships
DOWNLOAD Bonuses to Strategic trafficking (art. 245-3)
DOWNLOAD Correction coefficients applicable to T-1, T-2 and T-3 fees
DOWNLOAD Singular bonuses (Art.182 LPGE)
Mapol Waste Reception Fees
DOWNLOAD Port of Santander Pilotage Service fees
(applicable from 14/12/2024)
DOWNLOAD Port of Santander Towing Service fees
(applicable from 14/12/2024)
DOWNLOAD Port of Santander mooring and unmooring services fees
(applicable from 13/12/2024)