The port obtains benefits for the third consecutive year-Press NOTE (02/20/2015)

19 Feb 2015
The port of Santander held its first board of directors of the year in February, in which the president and director of the APS, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso and Cristina López Arias, respectively, opened the session informing the members of the Council on the accounts about the accounts about the accounts about the accounts Port annuals. In them, it is stated that the port has achieved in the past year a benefit of 1,132,656 euros, thus following the positive trend of the previous two years. These results have been obtained despite the fact that the most important port rates have been frozen for three years and that the occupation rate in 2014 has decreased more than 8% on average. However, the port has managed Last year, to the growth of the number of tons moved, 6.9%, and to the remarkable increase in the number of large -GT*ship scales, 26%. The good behavior of this magnitude had allowed the Port Authority of Santander, with the closed November data, ascending two positions within the port system, going from 17 to 15 position. Comparing with 2013, a decrease in benefits has been experienced in 2014, which has been fundamentally due to two concepts, first of all repairs and conservation where the extraordinary dredging that the port had to make as a result of the storms must of sea that took place in the first months of 2014 and, secondly, to the payment of taxes, since in 2013 it accounted for returns corresponding to previous years. It should be noted that the exploitation result of the port, a fact that measures the company's capacity to generate resources with its typical activity, remains more in positive, exceeding the forecasts of the company plan for the year 2014. Likewise, within the exploitation expenses, they have been reduced in some of the concepts, within the expense containment line consequence of the austerity and prudence policy that has been carried out since the PHC. Another positive fact of last year was the profitability for ton moved in the port, which in 2014 reached 0.21 euros, far from the losses of -0.69 euros per ton of 2009, and which consolidates the positive trend in this Concept initiated in 2012. The good economic data of 2014 move in the same line of improvement that has been experienced in the activity of the port of Santander, which in the past year recorded a growth in its total traffic of 6.8%, the growth being very remarkable In cars, 20.6%, reaching the historical record in this traffic, and in passengers with 6.7%, which keep Santander as the first port of northern Spain in number of passengers. Extension approved 49 concessions in Actimarsa Other points addressed within the agenda were the approval of the extension of the concessional rights of 49 sub -spears in the Actimarsa polygon, and the granting of two concessions for two car dealers. Pets related to port fees were also discussed, and other points such as the File for the Cleaning Service of the Puerto de Santander, and the Bases and Conditions of the Contest for the selection of an offer for the granting of a station service in the Wissocq polygon (Parayas straight). Finally, the presidency of the port was authorized to vote favorably for the sale of assets of the company ‘Puerto Seco Santander Ebro, SA’, of which the APS is a minority partner. *GT: Magnitude with which the capacity of the ships is measured