El Puerto hosted a course on transport networks of the automotive sector-Press NOTE (06/26/2014)

25 Jun 2014
The Puerto de Santander council room hosted the opening of the 4th year of Maritime Intermodality and Port Logistics, which in this edition had as a central study the ports and transport networks of the automotive sector. The president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso; the director of the Technical School of Nautical of the UC, José Ramón San Cristóbal; The Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Project Development of the UIMP, Rodrigo Martínez-Val, and the director of the Logistics Master of the University of Valladolid and manager of the Cylog Forum, Ángel Gento. Everyone present highlighted the suitability of this course due to the importance of the automotive industry in our country. Martínez Sieso was the one who opened the match and went to the attendees, many of them from the Valladolid where the headquarters of the Cylog forum and the Renault factory, the largest vehicle exporter in the port of Santander, recalling the link between Castilla y León and León The port, which materializes in the presence of a counselor of said community in the Board of Directors of the Port. He also referred to the importance of this course that addresses transport in the automotive sector from the perspective of all operators, from the manufacturer, to the consignee, the shipping company or the port. He highlighted at this point the practical component of the seminar that, among his activities, were visits to the different port terminals and other practical workshops. Martínez Sieso highlighted the strategic character of car transport for the port of Santander and recalled that in May of this year an interannual historical record was reached in this traffic that, in general terms, he said, “he is going very well this year. In 2014 we have spent 155,127 vehicles through the port ”. Finally, the president of the Port Authority wanted to emphasize that the ports have become service companies, which forces to be more efficient and competitive and to insist more and more on quality. Here he referred to the report of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers, ANFAC, whose report is valued the quality of Spanish ports in this type of traffic, and which in recent years has placed Santander in the top of the ranking.