The port of Santander host of an encounter with ANFAC-Press NOTE (09/30/2013)

29 Sep 2013
The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers, ANFAC, and the Port Authority of Santander celebrated a day, in which they analyzed the role of Cantabria and Santander as an industrial and logistics center of the car. Prior to the day, an meeting with the media was held in which those responsible for communication and logistics of ANFAC, David Barrientos and Miguel Aguilar, respectively, left “the importance of Cantabria as an industrial location of the first magnitude for Spain and as quality logistics center ”. According to both responsible for ANFAC, "Cantabria is a logistics nodule where the port of Santander plays a key role." Regarding this issue, they highlighted the importance of the ports in the advance of logistics, and referred to that of Santander, pointing out that “he has been a pioneer in numerous initiatives that have allowed advancing in the transport of vehicles. According to the valuation reports of the port logistics made by ANFAC, the port of Santander obtains the best score in Spain and, it is not the first year that this happens ”. For its part, the port of Santander reported that in 2012 a total of 264,254 units were moved, of which 68% were for export. In 2013, the accumulated until August in vehicle traffic is 191,721 units, which represents 13% more than last year. In 2012, car traffic represented 6% in the volume of total tons of the port. Although the incidence is low within global statistics, car traffic is of great importance for its added value and the wealth it generates in the port environment. The car terminal and centers dedicated to vehicle logistics occupy almost all of the surface of the Central Roos spigone, with around 500,000 square meters. Among the most relevant data of this terminal, note that it can accommodate up to 5 coach ships that are of great and medium bearing; It has 3 ro -ro ramps (Roll on-Roll off, a term with which the ships that transport surrounded cargo), 3 PDI facilities, pre-center centers, and a railway terminal for cars with capacity for 1,200 units for 1,200 units daily. The port community is also highly specialized in new vehicle trafficking and, on average, Santander hosts daily the scale of 1 car-carrier ship (coachmen), and 3 trains of cars are operated a day. They also made public the manufacturing data published by ANFAC, which reflect an increase in production in Spain until August 7%. As for Cantabria, they foresee that this year 6,200 vehicles will be sold "which, they said, although they are not growth, indicate that the fall in sales has been slowed."