Martínez Sieso addresses in the UIMP the present and the challenges of the Port Authority of Santander-Press NOTE (04/09/2013)

3 Sep 2013
The president of the Port Authority of Santander (APS), José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, participated in the course that on the “legal-technical considerations about the transformations of maritime fronts: sectoral conflicts between the environment, urban planning and port infrastructure In cities ”was taught at the UIMP on September 3. With a presentation on “the Port Authority of Santander: present and future challenges”, the president of this institution made an exhaustive review of all the actions undertaken in recent years and that many of them have as its completion date 2014, the year that year that year that year that year that year that year that year that year It will be "a historical milestone in this reorganization process, at the end of many important works," said the president. Thus, Martínez Sieso highlighted the relevance of the signing of the Maritime Port Agreement of Santander, whose final rubric took place in March 2011, and to which he joined, together with ports of the State, Port Authority, Santander City Council and Government of Cantabria, The Ministry of Development. This agreement, which has been a great success for its high degree of consensus, has allowed to carry out numerous actions, many of which are still underway, and among which must be given “a special mention” to the so -called area 17 Cultural Center, which corresponds to the current construction of the Botín Center. Likewise, the President reviewed the main actions in the Public Port domain that are being carried out, and among which the extension of the car of Vela, in which the Duna de Zaera will be located; The rehabilitation of the Gamazo dike, whose work is about to be awarded and the adaptation of the Gamazo spring esplanade, already completed. To them is added the star project, the Botín Center, a very ambitious project that will end in 2014, which has 77 million euros of investment, and that will close more the city to the sea. They complete the list of actions carried out at the Muelle de Maliaño, little known but of enormous importance since they download the city from the port traffic and the projects in the area of ​​Marqués de la Hermida, a seafront and bike lane. Infrastructure Master Plan As for the future, Martínez Sieso advanced that passes through the APS Infrastructure Master Plan, axis of the development of port infrastructure, and in which projects are collected to be launched as the increase in pumping for navigation, extension of the port surface, a new alignment at the docks of Maliaño and the improvement in road and rail connectivity.