The Port of Santander bids the rehabilitation works of the Gamazo Dock-Press NOTE (06/04/2013)

3 Jun 2013
The Official State Gazette has published the tender for the rehabilitation works of the Gamazo dike and its surroundings, an action that will have an approximate cost of 2 million euros and an execution period of 10 months. The work includes a total area of ​​13,833 square meters, in which the rehabilitation of the dike and the bomb building as a space enabled for multiple uses, the recovery of the fence and the reorganization of the outer road parallel to the dike, as well as getting May this whole environment be visited. The Gamazo dike is declared as a good of cultural interest, BIC, so its rehabilitation has an exhaustive project carried out by the architect Luis Castillo, which includes the different points in which they will act. Thus, in the stretch of walking that is located in front of the Palace of Festivals of Cantabria and along the gate the sidewalk will be repaired and the height will be equalized with that of the Palace of Festivals, in this the limestone slabs will be reused with the That is built. Likewise, the perimeter fence will be restored, both the stone and the iron and two sections of the gate will open, which will become doors that will allow the entrance to the enclosure where the dike is. With regard to the latter, water jet and elimination of the remains of old facilities will be cleaning. To allow the enjoyment of space to the public, the project provides for the installation of a perimeter railing that allows you to observe the dike without risk. As for the environment, the solution adopted is the use of concrete tiles with soft and safe drainage slopes for pedestrians and sensitivity bands on the pavement for people with reduced vision. Within the project, one of the most outstanding performances will be the one that is going to be carried out in the Bombas House, which is also included within the BIC. This construction, representative of English industrial architecture, was where bombs and other elements such as compressors were housed. The proposal consists in the restoration of the building, maintaining at the lower level the original pumps, which can be contemplated from the main floor through the metal structure cover with glass that will serve as a soil.