The Palace del Embarcadero hosts the photographic exhibition ‘Pasiegos XXI Century’-Press NOTE (05/27/2013)

26 May 2013
The Palace del Embarcadero hosts, from May 27 until June 23, the photographic exhibition “Pasiegos Century 21st”, by the left Iñaki Author, the first of the collaborations that in the summer time will carry out the Port Authority of Santander and Menéndez Pelayo University. This exhibition appointment is a photographic tour of history, traditions, gastronomy and the ways of life of the inhabitants of these Cantabrian valleys, in which the author puts in front of his objective to the inhabitants of the various municipalities that make up the Vega from Pas. These are more than fifty photographs, with an impression in very natural tones and mounted on frames without glass, which allow to appreciate with great realism of the peculiar way of life of the inhabitants of this valley. "Pasiegos XXI century" is in turn a compilation book of this work, published two years ago and that is found between the anthropological look and artistic creation, shaping an exceptional document that collects the uses, rituals, customs and Modes of life of an ancient people: the Pasego people. A town that is characterized by being an entrepreneur and being able to adapt to the middle in the best way. The sample is a magnificent showcase of the natural space of the Vega de Pas, and the relevance and attraction of the sociological phenomenon of the pasiegos makes this work impact beyond Cantabria. That is, and also coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the UNESCO Conference for the Defense of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, that the Ministry of Culture of the Cantabria Government will request that this exposure of pasiegos be part of the scheduled activities For this anniversary, also carrying it through different parts of the region. The exhibition is organized by the Menéndez Pelayo International University and the Port Authority of Santander, and has the collaboration of the “Garage-Lux collective”, the City Council of Sestao and two councils of the Government of Cantabria: that of Education, Culture and Sports and Sports and that of livestock, fishing and rural development.