The Government of Cantabria and the Port of Santander collaborate in the improvement of the Maritime Station-Press NOTE (06/07/2012)

6 Jun 2012
The president of the Government of Cantabria, Ignacio Diego, and the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Eduardo Arasti, accompanied by the President of the Port Authority, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, have visited the maritime station to learn about the land on the land the land works that are being carried out in these last weeks for improvement. The director of Brittany Ferries in Spain, Fermín García; and the general director of Transport and Communications, Fermín Llaguno. Diego has pointed out that this action, “is an important step in the reorganization of the seabet the passengers." In this sense, the president of Cantabria, added that the improvements that have been carried out, “are to publicize the visitors of England in their stay throughout the city environment all its attractions as well as those of the community Autonomous to tend to retain as much as possible to these travelers. ” In short, he said that, "with what has been executed, improvements in functionality, control and security are achieved and, above all, in the information comfort of Cantabria's attractions to visitors by ferries." For his part, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, president of the Port Authority, has stressed that these improvements are possible “by the effort of the port of Santander and the collaboration of the Government of Cantabria”. In addition, he added, "the works have been done in record time with very positive results." For Martínez Sieso, with these works the conditions of shipping and landing of the ferry will be improved considerably with respect to what there was and also the docks are released for the future art center Botín. The regional administration has invested about 725,000 euros in new facilities and endowments that improve different aspects of port activity through the incorporation of intelligent transport systems that respond to the needs of maritime transport. With these actions, the shipment and landing will be activated, thus eliminating the current bottlenecks in the input-outlet flows and expediting the reception of mixed traffic. Customer service will also be improved by centralizing checking services and the aspects related to the surveillance and safety of travelers and facilities will be modernized. In addition, the use of vehicles that disembark from the new departure of the city through Raos will be made possible. These works are the result of the collaboration between the Regional Administration and the Port Authority of Santander, and highlight the commitment of the Cantabria Government with the port and its development, as well as the commitment of both for offering a model of modern port installation and competitive that emphasizes quality, efficiency and economic profitability. Implanted solutions Among the implanted solutions is the installation of a new vehicle inspection system with a high -resolution intelligent analysis chamber that scan the upper and posterior vehicles, and that facilitates and improves their safety and surveillance. It also allows you to store all vehicle information. Likewise, it has been created what is called ‘Intelligent Unattended’, which allows authorized users to access parking lots to collect or park trucks and trailers outside the work schedule of the port staff. As part of the integration of these new systems, the central management unit has been developed and implemented, exclusive software from which authorized personnel can monitor and control the operation and different strategic points of the terminal. Also, and among others, panels have been installed that supply travelers real -time information about billing, waiting times, incidents or meteorology, and the terminal with Wi -Fi connection has been equipped.