The first tourist cars that Feve has built for Ecuador leave the port of Santander-Press NOTE (01/20/2012)

19 Jan 2012
Today Saturday, January 21, the ship that transports the first of the tourist trains that Feve has built for the Ecuadorian railroads has sailed to the port of Santander. The ship has taken place this morning with the presence of the Minister of the Ecuador Feve strategic and international development, José Antonio Sebastián, and the president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso. The freight is made up of the first of the three locomotives rehabilitated by Feve (the next two will be shipped next March), the panoramic train (composed of three cars) that will make the tourist route of the devil's nose, and two vans of energy that will be part of the composition of the cruise train that is also building the railway company of Vía narrow and will make trips of 4 days and 3 nights between Durán and Quito. All these units have been designed by Feve technicians and fully rehabilitated by the railway company and various Asturian companies. (Photographs are attached). All these vehicles will arrive in Ecuador on February 15. The devil's nose train, in service since last February, now expanded with these panoramic cars, designed and rehabilitated by Feve, to give more coverage to a 13 km trip. in the rocky barrier known as the devil's nose of almost 2,000 meters of altitude that rises in a vertiginous Zigzag with slopes of up to 6 %. The new tourist train of the Ecuadorian railroads "Train Crucero", also designed by Feve, will make the Quito-Durán and Durán Quito routes on four-day and three night trips on an itinerary that will include Durán, Guayaquil, Bucay (“The route of The sweetness ”), Urbina (" The Route of the Volcanoes "), the mountain of the devil's nose, Huigra and Quito. The "Crucero Train", with a capacity for 54 people, will be operational in December of this year.