The president of the PHC presents the strategic action lines of the port to the port community-Press NOTE (01/18/2016)

17 Jan 2016
Future of the port The president of the PHC presents the strategic action lines of the port to the port community Santander 18-01-16. The president of the Port Authority of Santander, Jaime González, presented today to the representatives of the users of the port the strategic lines that will mark the development of this installation over the next ten years. González, accompanied by the director of the port facilities, Cristina López, wanted to explain first hand to the port community which will be, from now on, the keys to the future of the port and the role that its users can play in this project. The president of the PHC stressed that the planned investment until 2019 reaches 73 million euros and made a detailed analysis of the current situation in which the port is and what its main strengths are. Among them, the access highways without tolls, the specialization of the terminals, the flexibility in the operations or the social tranquility. In addition, he emphasized the opportunities that are glimpsed as the possibility of developing new products or increasing port traffic and analyzing what threats the Santander installation could face in the near future. As for the strategic action lines, González stressed that, in the short term, it is intended, among other things, to increase the number of scales by Brittany Ferries, improve the railway operability of Muriedas-Puerto or optimize the accessibility and storage capacity of The port facilities. In addition, he assured that, in this period, the production of Santander Coated Solutions will begin, the container/MAFI traffic will be enhanced in a short distance and new traffic will be incorporated, in addition to continuing with the development of the agreement that the different administrations have in the maritime front scope. Regarding the actions that are planned to be carried out in the medium term, that is, between 2017 and 2019, the president of the port indicated some such as the impulse of the logistics activity in the logistics storage zone (ZAL), the increase in the Roro traffic of general merchandise or the attraction of ships that allow the promotion of mixed container and roro traffic. In addition, he highlighted the importance of expanding the Ferries Terminal, continuing with the development of port infrastructure and getting the port to be prepared to meet the demand for supplies of liquefied natural gas. In the long term, between the 2020s and 2025, the person in charge of the port facilities stressed the importance of Santander being a primary node of the basic network of the Transport Transport Net length and 1000 tons of weight and explore the need for a dry port, in addition to having a container terminal. He also affected the need to improve the drafts, consolidate the port as a connection route with Centro Europe and to successfully finish the urban rearrangement of the Santander Port Maritime Front.