The Puerto hosts an evacuation drill by bomb detection at the Maritime Station-Press NOTE (12/10/2015)

9 Dec 2015
El Puerto hosted this morning an evacuation drill by bomb detection at the maritime station Santander 10-12-15. The Maritime Station of the Puerto de Santander was this morning the stage of a bombing drill by bomb detection. The exercise was that, after placing a simulated pump pack in the bathrooms of the maritime station, it was found by members of the State Security bodies and forces with their canine guides and explosive deactivation groups. As it was an area near the water lamina, not only the land surroundings of the maritime station but also the vessels that were in their vicinity were evicted. In training, in addition to intervention groups of the Port Authority of Santander such as the Port Police, the Civil Guard, the National Police Corps, the Local Police, Firefighters, Maritime Rescue, Maritime Captaincy of Santander, Civil Protection of the Government of the Government of Cantabria, Civil Protection of the Government Delegation in Cantabria, Civil Protection of the City of Santander, Naval Command, the Cantabrian Health Service through 061 and Rapid Medical. Before the beginning of the performance, which was developed from 10.15 in the morning, the emergency advisory technical committee met to discuss different aspects of the exercise. With this action, the Port complies with the provisions of the regulations on port protection.