The president of the port delivered the diplomas of the ‘Port Innova’ Ideas-Press Note (07/02/2015)

1 Jul 2015
The president of the Puerto de Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso gave Rosa Ruiz Martín and Santiago Mijares Bermejo the diplomas that accredit them as first classified as the innovative ideas contest ‘Port Innova’ 2014, which summons the port among its workers. Mari Paz Herráez Martín, whose proposal was also recognized, was not present at the spot when he was on vacation and will receive his diploma once he returns. In this second edition of the contest there were a total of 14 proposals, and those most valued by the jury were ‘Botavara’, ‘Valtravieso’ and ‘know the port from within’. The first call took place last year, with a pilot experience, which obtained a very satisfactory response from the port police. The contest of innovative ideas 'PORT INNOVA' aims day to day, contributing to the development and improvement of the port of Santander. Given the growing interest among workers in this initiative, the Port Authority has decided to give continuity, calling a new edition for the second semester of this year.