The port of Santander moves 17% more vehicles in the first quarter of 2015-Press NOTE (04/23/2015)

22 Apr 2015
This morning the opening ceremony of the I International Meeting on Logistics of the Auto has taken place, which is held at the Paraninfo of the Palace of Magdalena de Santander, in which the president of Cantabria, Ignacio Diego, have been present; the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transportation and Housing, Julio Gómez-Pomar; the mayor of Santander, Íñigo de la Serna; The president of ANFAC, José Luis López Schümmer, and the president of the port of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso. During his speech Martínez Sieso showed the vocation of the port of Santander in vehicle traffic, and recalled that in 2014 a historical record was achieved with 372,783 units. He also stressed that this year these figures can be exceeded because “in the first quarter of 2015 the movement of vehicles has increased by 17% with respect to the same period last year, which means that we possibly walk to a new record” . In these months, the export of vehicles has increased, but importation has also been recovered, which, "it means that the market rebounds, good news for the entire sector, and also for Spanish positions." He highlighted as elements of value in the port the quality of the service provided, which, he added, "always places us in the top positions in the Ampaac qualification"; The important rail penetration in the port of Santander and the good accesses to the national territory through toll -free highways. He also highlighted as a value element the quality of the operators who work in it. After Martínez Sieso, the president of ANFAC, the mayor of Santander, the president of Ports of the State, the Secretary of State for Infrastructure and the President of the Government of Cantabria intervened. After the opening ceremony began the technical days that will take place until tomorrow Friday.