Santander will host this week the 1st International Meeting on Automobile Logistics-Press NOTE (04/20/2015)

19 Apr 2015
On April 23 and 24, a meeting of the top representatives of car Europeans of the car will take place at the Paraninfo de la Magdalena. It is the first time that an encounter of this level is held in Spain, and, the collaboration of Bergé and Cía, has allowed this event to be held in Santander. The days, in which they have been working in close collaboration for more than a year: Ports of the State, the port of Santander, Anfac and Bergé and Cía, have had an excellent acceptance, and more than 150 people have confirmed their assistance to them. On Thursday morning the institutional opening will take place, which will have representatives of the highest institutional level and the logistics sector. Ana Pastor, Minister of Development will be; Ignacio Diego, president of Cantabria; Iñigo de la Serna, mayor of Santander; José Llorca, president of Ports of the State; José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, president of the Port Authority of Santander; José Luis López-Schümmer, president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Spain and president of ANFAC, and Jaime Gorbeña, president of Bergé and Cía. The opening ceremony will be followed by the Technical Days, which are structured in four blocks: administration, manufacturers, maritime transport and port infrastructure and terrestrial logistics. The first two blocks will take place on Thursday, and in them it will be discussed on European politics in car logistics, logistics strategy as a key factor of the competitiveness of the automobile industry and the vision of car manufacturers in Spain. To this end, there are speakers like the president of State Ports, the Executive Vice President of ANFAC, of ​​the CEO of Bergé Infrastructure and Logistic Services and the Logistics Directors of Renault, Volkswagen, Toyota and Seat. All of them will be moderated by specialized journalists in the sector. The technical part of the day will end with a vessel visit to the port of Santander, especially the car terminal, which is in charge of almost the entire Central Espigón de Raos. The topics to be addressed on Friday will focus on the prospects and evolution of the maritime transport of vehicles, the current terminals and their future challenges and on rail transport and by road of finished vehicles. Joaquín del Moral Salcedo, General Director of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Development will participate in this day; Antonio Aguilar Mediavilla, general director of RENFE Merchandies, and Luis Moreno Espí, Director of Logistic Services of ADIF. Together with them they will be internationally responsible for shipping companies dedicated to car traffic that usually operate in the port of Santander, such as Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, Hoëgh Autoliners, EUECC, etc. As well as other essential agents in car logistics. The event will be developed with round papers and tables, in which the participation of the attendees will also be very important and in them it will seek to give a complete vision of the logistics chain, from the manufacturer to the final consumer. The specialization and quality of the speakers and their innovative vision will be fundamental in the contribution of improvement ideas for a key sector, such as car manufacturing, in which logistics is a critical factor for its competitiveness, and to which which They dedicate continuous efforts for the optimization of their logistics chain and influences their strategic decisions To the good development of car traffic, the port of Santander and all the agents who work in it, who, efficiently, global offer, commitment to quality, flexibility and bet on the future, have managed to place Santander in 2014, with almost 380,000 units, fourth in movement of cars, only behind Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Vigo, the three with car factories in their vicinity. And the year 2015 promises record figures, with 107,044 vehicles moved in the first quarter.