The Press Association closes the acts of its centenary with an exhibition at the Palace del Embarcadero-Press NOTE (04/16/2015)

15 Apr 2015
Since last April 14, El Palacete del embarradoer hosts the commemorative exhibition of the 100 years of the Cantabria Press Association, which have jointly organized the APC and the Port Authority of Santander. The exhibition, which will remain open to the public until next Sunday, May 3, integrates works by 14 Cantabrian artists: Martín Carral, Carmen Anzano, Fernando García Valdeón, Eduardo Gruber, Roberto Orallo, Joaquín Martínez Cano, Yolanda Novoa, Pedro Sobrado, Sara Huete, Ana Bedia, José Luis Mazarío, Emilio González Sainz, Juan Ignacio Goitia and Véronique Sobrado. With her, the Cantabria Press Association Clausura the acts of its centenary that have been developing since last April 2014. In the inauguration, all the artists who exhibit their works in the exhibition were present, as well as a large representation of the collective of journalists of Cantabria, regional and local authorities and the general public. Among those present were the mayor of Santander, Íñigo de la Serna; the Minister of the Presidency, Leticia Díaz; the director of the Port of Santander, Cristina López Arias, and the president of the Association of the Press of Cantabria, Dolores Gallardo, who directed a few words to the attendees. De la Serna highlighted the social value of the journalistic profession and congratulated the APC for the activities organized in recent months on the occasion of its 100 years of existence and personified in its president this work pointing out that “she has managed to represent the association in a way copy". Loicia Díaz also congratulated the association and wished that "the messages that have been released from the APC during this year value the journalist's profession do not remain only in the centenary." Cristina López Arias, director of the port of Santander, thanked that they chose the palace as a space where to put the climax to all the acts of the association in her centenary. He also congratulated the artists for his works, many of which, he added, "have already exhibited in this room alone or collectively." Dolores Gallardo went to those present by stating that yesterday was a special day for the Association of the Cantabria press because with this exhibition of international artists the golden brooch was put to the commemoration of the 100 years. During his speech he referred to the phrase that has been repeated most in these months in the different acts of the association: “80 percent of your memories were told by a journalist,” he added, he added, “it has been tried to put in Value the anonymous work of hundreds of professionals who keep the citizen attached to reality and contribute their work to freedom of expression and the right to information ”.