Signed the agreement to transform Gamazo's esplanade into a public use space-Press NOTE (12/22/2014)

21 Dec 2014
The port and the Santander City Council have signed the agreement to make available to the city the lands of the Gamazo esplanade and transform them into a space for public use. The mayor, Íñigo de la Serna, and the president of the Port Authority, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, have signed the agreement that will make it possible to execute the project that the City Council is preparing, in coordination with the port so that the esplanade of Gamazo, which It was used as a vessel parking area during the Candle World Cup, it becomes a new area of ​​enjoyment and coexistence for citizens, in contact with the bay. The content of this agreement was approved at the last meeting held by the Port Board of Directors. De la Serna has explained that it will be a 100% municipal investment, which is estimated to be around one million euros, and thanked José Joaquín Martínez Sieso his continuous collaboration in the urban improvement of the city, facilitating the progressive incorporation of spaces for spaces for Citizen use, which is making it possible for the Santander Maritime Front to experience a deep transformation, with actions that include from the Gamazo area to the fishing neighborhood. The mayor pointed out that the objective of this project is to create a new walk with unpublished views of the Bay, which has green areas of recreation and stay, rest areas and enjoyment of the maritime landscape, as well as favoring the coexistence of the space with activities with activities sports and leisure. For his part, the president of the Port Authority has highlighted the close collaboration that exists between both institutions in the development of joint projects such as this and those that are being carried out in the area of ​​Castilla Hermida, and for which the port has assigned all the land. Martínez Sieso stressed that both actions are added to other very important that the port has executed on the Maritime Front of Santander, specifically the regeneration and urbanization of this esplanade where the new urban space and the rehabilitation of the environment of the Dike of Gamazo will be located and the bomb house building. The proposal has been developed following the sustainability premises, both in the design and in the use of the materials; and versatility, so that the same space serves for different uses, with ‘removable’ elements, which can be withdrawn if necessary for the celebration of certain activities. It is also about getting the citizen to feel comfortable and the urban space is its, providing elements and characteristics that make it closer; guarantee the elimination of architectural barriers, giving priority to the pedestrian and allowing the resistance of the spaces dedicated to it; and intensify the nautical-sports uses.