The Rete Scientific Committee celebrates its annual meeting these days in Santander-Press NOTE (12/18/2014)

17 Dec 2014
Between today and tomorrow, the Scientific Committee of Rete, the International Association for Collaboration between Ports and Cities, is celebrating its annual end of the year meeting in Santander. Thursday, the first of the meeting days took place, a work session in which technicians and experts from Italy, Portugal and Spain have participated and that has been developed at the headquarters of the appointp, the International Center for Technology and Administration and Administration Port, located in the signs of La Cerda in Santander. Tomorrow, December 19, the members of the Committee will make a technical visit to the Santander Maritime Front where they will visit the works that have been carried out and that are in the execution phase for their remodeling. Specifically, Gamazo's park, the dike, the "dune" and the house of bombs; The Botín Center and the remodeling of the Ferries Terminal - Maritime Station. Finally, they will approach the area of ​​the promenade of Marqués de la Hermida, and from there they will go to Pronillo, where they will attend the presentation of the Santander strategic plan by Jaime Gutiérrez Bayo, technical coordinator of the Plan; of the Smartsantander project by Luis Muñoz, technical and scientific coordinator of Smartsantander, and the Santander Creative Foundation, which will be presented by Marcos Díez, director of the Foundation. Tribute to José Luis Casado Soto In the afternoon, at 7:00 p.m., the program of activities opens to the general public at the headquarters of the Botín Foundation in Pedrueca, where the monograph that the magazine 'Portus' will be presented, a publication edited by Rete, has dedicated to The city and the port of Santander in its autumn number. The act will be chaired by José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, president of the Port Authority of Santander, César Díaz Maza, Councilor for Works of the City Council of Santander and Emilio Brogueira, president of Rete and head of the port of Leixoes, the most important port of Portugal . Within the framework of this presentation, tribute will be paid to José Luis Casado Soto, a regular collaborator for many years of the Port Authority in numerous initiatives for the study and dissemination of the maritime history of Santander and its port, and author of one of the published articles in the monographic referred.