King Felipe VI visited the Gamazo area, headquarters of the Candle World Cup-Press NOTE (09/14/2014)

13 Sep 2014
On September 13 and 14, the King of Spain, Felipe VI visited Santander on the occasion of the Candle World Cup that is played in the capital of Cantabria. YE. Felipe VI moved two days to the Gamazo area, where the headquarters of the Vela World Cup was. During his first day, the king of Spain moved to the high performance center of Santander, where he greeted the representatives of the institutions integrated in the organizing committee of the sporting event, including the port of Santander represented by Its president José Joaquín Martínez Sieso. He also held an informative meeting with those responsible for said Committee, where the Government of Cantabria, the City Council of Santander, the Spanish Federation of Vela, the Cantabrian Sailing Federation, the International Sailing Federation, Government Delegation and Royal Maritime Club of Santander, . He also greeted the Spanish Olympic team, with whom the official photo was taken, in which the organizers also appear. On this first day, there were hundreds of people who approached the Gamazo area to greet the king. During the second day, the Real program included a visit to some of the facilities where athletes work. Among them the part of the Gamazo dike and the Duna de Zaera, a strategic place in the development of the championship. The president of the port of Santander gave him the book published on the occasion of the rehabilitation of the Gamazo dike, which contains the photographs that these days can be contemplated in the house of pump of the dike. Images are attached about this visit and the different acts, which can be contemplated in the image gallery.