The port of Santander expresses its condolences for the death of Emilio Botín, president of the Santander Bank-Press NOTE (09/10/2014)

9 Sep 2014
The president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, has expressed the condolences of the port community for the death of businessman Emilio Botín Sanz de Sautuola, president of Banco Santander. “Emilio Botín was a constant impulse engine for Cantabria. Thanks to him, one of the smallest regions in Spain had one of the world's greatest banks by his side. For decades, Botín was present as an enthusiastic collaborator of the main Santander and Cantabrian projects, both economic and health, educational, social and artistic, ”said Martínez Sieso. “From the Port Authority we want to remember his figure of great entrepreneur and patron, qualities that meet in the short distance that crosses the gardens of Pereda and unites the headquarters of the Santander Bank and the Botín de Art and Culture Bank center. Botín cooperated with all the most important actions to modernize the capital and the region, and was always willing to help when it was required, ”said the president of the PHC. “We want to express our condolences to Paloma O'Shea and all his children and the rest of the family. Emilio Botín was a Cantabrian of Universal Projection, and thus will be proud of our region, to which the initiatives that he launched will continue to contribute with very positive results during the coming years and even decades, ”added Martínez Sieso. “Botín showed that there are certain values ​​that allow international success even based on a small community like ours. Talent has no borders if it is accompanied by effort and dedication. His life is an example for other people from our land to continue aspiring to everything and maintaining the maximum illusions, ”he valued. “If Santander is today an internationally recognized name, it is certainly due to Emilio Botín, who built one of the greatest global financial entities, and included Santander in worldwide communication programs, with great sporting events or a vast university community Iberoamericana, ”said the head of Puerto Santander. "I am sure," he finally said, "that the Botín family and the Santander bank in general will keep the flame of the commitment that Emilio Botín always had with the affairs of Cantabria."