The port of Santander present at the XVIII IALA Conference-Press NOTE (06/02/2014)

1 Jun 2014
Recently the city of La Coruña hosted the XVIII Conference of the International Association of Maritime Navigation and Lighthouse authorities, Iala, which, in its fifty -seven years of existence, was first held in Spain. In The Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, presided over this meeting attended by more than 500 people from 54 countries, and among them, the presidents of the Spanish ports, including the President of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso. Throughout the conference, multiple activities were held, highlighting an intense technical sessions program in which 95 presentations were presented. One of these technical sessions was directed by Carlos Calvo, responsible for maritime signals from the port of Santander. Likewise, in this same conference the creation of the Ibero -American Forum for Maritime Navigation Aid as a technical work group was agreed with the objective of enhancing the exchange of knowledge and technical collaboration between public and private organizations of Castilian -speaking countries.