More than 70 professionals in the port sector have participated in the XI Technical Days of the Ports and Coasts Sector-Press NOTE (05/23/2014)

22 May 2014
The Paraninfo de las Llamas of the Menéndez Pelayo International University has hosted the celebration of the XI Technical Days of young professionals in the port and coasts sector. The president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso participated in its inauguration; the Vice Chancellor of International Menéndez Pelayo, Sebastián Coll; Macario Fernández-Alonso, president of the Technical Association of Ports and Coasts and Rafael Aznar, vice president of the Youth Committee of the Technical Association of Ports and Coasts. These days, which is the first time they were held in Santander, had 73 participants, all of them young professionals in the port sector, both of the ports themselves, as well as administrations, engineering or companies related to the activity in ports. For two days, participants attended different conferences of experts from different fields. Representatives of the port authorities of Santander, Pasajes, Melilla or Tarragona passed through the flames, as well as port engineering professionals, companies of complementary sectors to the port activity or public administrations. In addition, there were two technical visits one to the port of Santander and the other to the Marine Hydraulics Institute.