Drawing, animation and dance at the Palace del Embarcadero-Press NOTE (08/01/2014)

7 Jan 2014
Inaugurated the exhibition "Dance on paper" of Diego Agudo Pinilla in the Palace of the Display of the Port Authority of Santander The Cantabrian creator alternates the realization of cartoon films with collaborations in productions such as the feature film . Since 2007 he has been working on the “Dance of Paper” dance project, with the collaboration of the prestigious French dancer Sylvie Guillem, first dancer of the Paris Opera and the Royal Ballet of London until 2003. This work is the one Fundamentally it is exhibited in the Palace of the Discourse both by means of screens, as well as the paper, in which the notes and drawings that have subsequently served to generate the animations are shown. The exhibition will be open to the public until February 2 at the usual schedule from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., closing Sunday afternoon and Monday throughout the day. On Thursday 16 and 23, at 7:00 p.m., Diego Agudo Pinilla, will take a guided tour explaining his creative process. School or groups can be arranged by calling 942 203 650 or by email to: activitiesculturalles@puertosantander.es