The president of the PHC inaugurated the International Meeting on Trends of Change in the Port City-Press NOTE (10/24/2013)

23 Oct 2013
José Joaquín Martínez, president of the Port Authority inaugurated the meeting-colloquium 'engines and trends in change in the port city', in which the trends of change they are modeling and will decisively model the evolution of cities ports in the coming decades. The act also intervened Rinio Bruttomesso, director of the Scientific Committee of Rete; Sebastián Coll Martín, Vice Chancellor of Internationalization and Campus of the Flames of the UIMP, and Juan Enrique Varona, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Relations and Coordination of Cantabria International Campus of the UC. Martínez Sieso thanked the participants for their presence and the UIMP and the UC their collaboration in this event. He also pointed out the importance they have for a port city such as Santander "Puerto-Ciudad relations, in which the port is one of its main dynamic axes, both of its productive fabric and its physical development." He also referred to the changes that are being experienced in the Santander Maritime Front, which he said, "they are being configured in a source of opportunities for the city." In the meeting-colloquio "engines and trends of change in the port city" the experts present are questioned about the dilemma that port cities must face in the coming decades, in an exercise aimed to stimulate reflections that contribute to build global visions over the future of this type of cities. This project is promoted by Rete, an international association that has as its purpose the construction of an international network of port cities and ports, with special reference, although not exclusive, to those of southern and Mediterranean Europe and Latin America, with the purpose of Develop and improve the reciprocal relationship and mutual collaboration between cities and ports. This association was chaired by the Port Authority of Santander since 2010 and until the end of 2012. Once its mandate was completed, it was relieved by the administer of two Portos do Douro E Leixões.