The president of the PHC delivered the commemorative of the first scale in Santander to Parsifal-Press NOTE (10/19/2013)

18 Oct 2013
The president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, gave the captain of the Parsifal the commemorative of the first scale in Santander of this ship owned by the shipiera Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics. The act were present by the Vice President and the Director of Operations of Wellenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, B.A., Raoul Vega and Estefan Kjellstrom, respectively; the maritime captain of Santander, Francisco López-Dóriga; the general director of the Maritime Agency Evge, Ramón Oliete; the representative of children of Basterrechea, Fernando Basterrechea, and the director and the head of Ro-Ro traffic of the port of Santander, Cristina López and Patricio Arrarte, respectively. During the act, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso highlighted the presence of Wellenius Wilhelmsen Logistics since 1994, and added that “for the port it is very important that this is the latest generation of Ro-Ro Apueste ships by Santander, since it is a guarantee that we have adequate conditions to go here. ” He also underlined the prestige that a ship of these characteristics implies has Santander as the first port in Spain. For his part, Raoul Vega said that "Santander is an important port for WWL, especially for the transport of vehicles, so we intend to come many times with this ship." Regarding the demand for transportation, he said that "there is a future in this sector, especially with the Asian and Oceania markets."