The Municipal Center for Art and Exhibitions of Aviles hosts until October 3 the exhibition ‘Comics to Puerto’-Press NOTE (09/20/2013)

19 Sep 2013
The exhibition ‘Comics to Puerto’, which previously stressed in other port cities such as Algeciras, Málaga and Tarragona, has arrived in Avilés by the Municipal Foundation of Culture and the Port Authority of Aviles. The inauguration was attended by the Councilor for Culture of the City of Avilés, Román Antonio Álvarez; Anabel Barrio and Ramón Rodríguez of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Elvira Fernandez of the Port Authority of Avilés and Carlos Limorti responsible for cultural activities of the Port Authority of Santander. The exhibition, produced and designed by the Port Authority of Santander, is the result of the agreement signed in 2006 between this institution and the Unesco Chair of Technique and Culture of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), for the development of a research project that It was intended to contribute to stimulate among citizens the interest in the maritime and port world. Jordi Ojeda and Francesc Solé, commissioners of the sample, members of the Chair and Polifacetic intellectuals who combine their professional activity linked to the scientific field with a huge love of the world of comic, raised the use of vignettes corresponding to comics from different artists and screenwriters So that, through his work and characters, the different facets of the surprising world of navigation, ports and sea people would be discovered. Looking for links between the maritime-port universe and the comics, Jordi and Francesc have done a huge research and selection work, with more than fifty thousand publications read and more than five thousand selected images. The exhibition is structured in 10 sections: when the story begins in the sea; Medieval ports; Danger at sea; Economy and sea; Life next to the port; Places they expect; Surprising ports; Paper ships; Memory of the future; The sea values. Each section consists of four panels, there are also four more introductory and one more to close. The project, which had the collaboration of state ports, has been completed in an excellent opportunity to disseminate port activity and its contribution to society's progress.