The port receives the visit of the UIMP government team-Press NOTE (08/29/2013)

28 Aug 2013
The rector of the UIMP, César Namela Cano, accompanied by the postgraduate and research vice -chancellor, Pilar Cano Dolado; of the Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Project Development, Rodrigo Martínez-Val Peñalosa and the Vice Chancellor of Internationalization and Campus de las Lasas, Sebastián Coll Martín, have visited the port of Santander this week. During his visit they were received by the president of the Port Authority, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, who was accompanied by the director of the port, Cristina López; the Head of Planning and Exploitation Area, David Marcano Ceballos and the head of the Department of Corporate Activities, José Ramón Ruiz. The visit responds to the invitation taken by the port to the new rectory team of the UIMP, an academic entity with which the Port Authority has been actively collaborating in both teaching and cultural matters, for several years. The meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the Port Authority, allowed the rector and the members of the Governing Council that accompanied him, to have a first -hand vision regarding the technical characteristics and the offer of services of Puerto Santander through of the presentation made by Cristina López, as well as a direct contact with her facilities by visiting her docks. In the meeting, different aspects of the collaboration that both institutions maintain in order to strengthen their cooperation and strengthen its bases for the coming years were also addressed. And it is that both the UIMP and the Port Authority have been supporting each other in the organization of courses, seminars and exhibitions, facilitating, among other issues, infrastructural support for the celebration of this type of event. Thus, and as an example, during this summer, in the facilities the Lighthouse of the sow three activities of the UIMP academic programming have been taught; And in the Palace del Embarcadero three exhibitions have been organized, the last one entitled "So close and so different", which brings together the pictorial work of the artists Eduardo Sanz, Isabel Villar and Sergio Sanz, and which will be open to the public until Sunday , September 8th.