The president of the port received the commander of Juan Sebastián Elcano-Press NOTE (07/03/2013)

2 Jul 2013
The commander of Juan Sebastián Elcano, the captain of the ship Alfonso Gómez Fernández de Córdoba, accompanied by the naval commander of Santander, Francisco de Paula Romero Carat, visited the port of Santander where they were received by the president of the Port Authority, José Joaquín Martínez If that. During the visit, the School Ship Commander signed in the Book of Honor of the Port, and commented on some aspects of the trip that has taken them through several ports of America and Europe, as well as the different activities that will be developed during their stay in Santander .. This is the third time that Juan Sebastián Elcano visits Santander, the other occasions were in 1968 and 2001. After sailing from Santander, and before arriving in Marín, the ship will stop at the port of Avilés.