The Board of Directors approved the modification of the Maritime Front Collaboration Agreement-Press Note (07/01/2013)

30 Jun 2013
The Board of Directors of the Puerto de Santander approved the modification of the collaboration agreement for the urban rearrangement of the Maritime Front signed with the Ministry of Development, Ports of the State, Government of Cantabria and Santander City Council, prior step for the performance of the Ideas Contest which will define the future of the city's maritime facade. During the meeting, the president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, and the director, Cristina López Arias, presented the annual accounts of the port of Santander corresponding to 2012, which were approved unanimously. Last year the port managed to increase its business figure by 8.69 percent to reach a total of 19,223,947 euros and also its benefits, despite the complicated economic environment and the maintenance of traffic with a slight increase. It is also highlighted that the austerity policy established by the current management team of the Port Authority has resulted in a remarkable containment in expenses, with savings greater than 2.6 million euros. An agreement was also approved with the Santander City Council for the execution of improvement works in the Marqués de la Hermida area on land of the port located in the Dársena de Maliaño and Varadero. With these works, a parallel maritime walk will be built to the southern zone of the Dársena de Maliaño and Marqués de la Hermida street. Other points discussed were the approval of the initial procedures for the granting of administrative concessions for the Royal Maritime Club of Santander, in order to occupy a surface of water in the Puertochico dock, and to Bergé Automotive Logistics, for an area of ​​land in the Raos Central Spirit.