The president of the APS and the mayor of Santander visited the works of the esplanade of the Gamazo dock-Press NOTE (04/30/2013)

29 Apr 2013
The president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, and the mayor of Santander, Íñigo de la Serna, visited the works of adaptation of the esplanade of Gamazo. These works, which began in the first days of April, are being carried out in the field between the Gamazo dike and the fishing nautical school and include the elimination of existing buildings in the area, earth movements, realization of walls and escolleras, construction of service networks and a ramp, among others. With this work the necessary surface will be adapted in the San Martín area in order to locate 460 vessels for the 2014 candle world championship in addition to a ramp for its launch. Coinciding with the visit, one of the ships that rose in this space were demolished, and in the next few days the rest of the constructions of the area will be demolished. During the visit, the president of the Port Authority of Santander referred to these works by pointing out that “with them we begin a fundamental action for the development of the Candle World Cup that will be held in 2014, while the regeneration of a space that At present it is very degraded, something that in the Port Authority we value especially. For the port it is another step within our commitment to bring these spaces closer to the city and enhance the enjoyment of all of them by citizens. ” For his part, the mayor thanked the involvement of the Port Authority in the improvement of the Maritime Front, as well as in the progressive transfer of new spaces to the city. "Santander will experience a great urban transformation, which is already underway, and that it will be a reality practically within a year," of construction of the Botín Center, the burial of the traffic in the surroundings of that building, the expansion of the Pereda gardens and the creation of a promenade in Castilla-Hermida. "We will thus get a great strip of our maritime forehead offers a renewed image, according to the impulse of modernity and progress that, from the municipal government team, we are giving to the city," he said. The works are planned for the month of September, the month in which the preparatory tests of the Candle World Cup will be held.