The Cabo Mayor Art Center will focus its activities on the figure of Eduardo Sanz-Press NOTE (04/22/2013)

21 Apr 2013
The Faro Major Art Center will pay tribute to the figure and work of Eduardo Sanz, who died in the last week. Throughout the year, the activities to be developed in the Art Center will focus on the trajectory of the Santander painter. To the permanent exhibition that shows a selection of the Sanz-Villar collection in the Cabo Mayor Center of the Spanish coast. Likewise, it is planned to host a documentary exhibition on aspects of his life and artistic career in another room of the center. Also in another of the spaces that the Port Authority dedicates to cultural activities, the Palace del Embarcadero, and within the exhibitions coorganized with the Menéndez Pelayo International University, an exhibition in which an exhibition in which the will present the recent work of the three members of the Sanz-Villar family; Eduardo, Isabel and Sergio, and who will have a character of tribute to the late painter. The Port Authority of Santander also wants to show its willingness to collaborate in those actions aimed at recognizing Eduardo Sanz's artistic or personal career.