Meeting of the Organizing Committee of the World Cup to advance in the preparations of the sporting event-Press NOTE (04/09/2013)

8 Apr 2013
The Organizing Committee of the 2014 Vela World Cup met on April 8 at the Real Club Marítimo de Santander to analyze the status of the works in the environment of the CEAR de Vela and the Gamazo area, and set the deadlines of the works to Carry out for the test test, which will take place from September 8 to 15 of this year. The mayor of Santander, Íñigo de la Serna; and the presidents of the Government of Cantabria, Ignacio Diego; of the Port Authority, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso; of the Spanish Vela Federation, José Ángel Rodríguez Santos; of the Cantabrian Sail Federation, Julia Casanueva; and from the Maritime Club of Santander, Pedro Labat, attended that working meeting. Among the aspects that have addressed are the advance of the works of the new building that will host the facilities of the CEAR de Vela, whose foundation is about to end, to give way to the execution of the concrete sun and sanitation, prior to the beginning of the works of the building structure. This project consists of the expansion and remodeling of the CEAR of Vela “Príncipe Felipe” through the construction of new innovative facilities, which allow to compatible the use of vessels storage with a new place of public use located on the deck of the new building , forming a stand on its southern facade, which makes it a viewpoint to the bay for use and enjoyment of citizens. Likewise, he has realized the award of the works and the next beginning of the execution of the project for the adaptation of the Gamazo dock environment, some works that must be completed for the month of September, when the test test is held, in which around 800 regatists from more than 50 countries are expected to participate. The project, which has been drafted by the Port Authority of Santander, affects portions currently in disuse, such as those between the Gamazo dike, the Nautical-Pesquera School and Luis Carrero Blanco Avenue, where the dock is located of Gamazo. The works consist of the demolition of the five existing buildings, the adaptation of the esplanade, the construction of a new ramp for the access of boats to the bay and the installation of railings and signaling, as well as the works corresponding to the networks of stormwater drainage, water supply, electricity supply and public lighting. The esplanade will be adapted to implement in it a part of the development of the 2014 candle world championship. It is expected that this area has the capacity to house a total of 460 vessels mounted on their respective stranded cars. In the esplanade area, five turrets will be placed whose function will be to supply energy and water for the work that is necessary for the maintenance and cleaning of the boats. The Organizing Committee has also addressed various proposals for sponsorship, marketing and communication.