The Ambassador of Russia visited the port of Santander-Press NOTE (02/27/2013)

26 Feb 2013
The extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of Russia in Spain, Yuri Korchagin, headed a delegation from the Embassy of that country that recently visited the port of Santander. There, the Russian representatives were received by the President of the Port Authority, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, and by the Planning Directors, David Marcano, and Infrastructura, José Luis Zataraín. During the visit, those responsible for the port showed them the main Santander port infrastructure, and informed them about the most important traffic received in the capital of Cantabria. Russia is, after Britain, the second country with more traffic through the port of Santander, mainly for the importation of coal, with more than 500,000 tons per year. In addition to the ambassador, the delegation was made up of Eduard Sokolov, counselor of the Embassy; Aleksei Rubinchik, head of the commercial representation of Russia in Spain; Igor Ermolenko, aggregate of the embassy and ambassador assistant, and Mikhail Davydov, head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Madrid. The delegation was accompanied by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Eduardo Arasti, and by the president of Cantabria's house in Madrid, Rafael de Ramón, by a vowel of this institution, José Manuel Conde, respectively.