Port Management Course-Press NOTE (10/11/2012)

10 Oct 2012
Latin American professionals meet in the XII edition of the “Ibero -American Course on Technology, Operations and Environmental Management in Ports” The course, which constitutes an international cooperation initiative between state ports, on behalf of the Spanish port system, and the Inter -American Ports Commission of the Organization of American States, has the collaboration of the PHC and is part of the academic programming within the academic programming from Cantabria International Campus of the UC and the UIMP Santander, October 11, 2012.- The XII edition of the Ibero-American Course of Technology, Operations and Environmental Management in Ports begins next Monday, October 15, in Santander. 15 Latin American professionals of varied technical profile from different Latin American countries participate, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The Ibero -American Course of Technology, Operations and Environmental Management in Ports, has a duration of four weeks and is aimed at facilitating the technical training and recycling of professionals in the Latin American port sector. To this end, a program has been prepared to provide technical and specialized training in areas such as “techniques and technologies associated with port activity”, “port operations” and “Environmental Management and Port Security”, introducing them into the methodologies and methodologies and More advanced procedures in these fields, with special reference to Spanish casuistry and experience. The course is directed by Ignacio Arrondo Perals, director of services and competitiveness of state ports; Íñigo Losada Rodríguez, Professor of the Department of Sciences and Environmental Water Techniques of the University of Cantabria; and Javier de la Riva Fernández, director of the Port Authority of Santander. The training program has a total 175 -hour school charge (7 ECTS credits) and will be taught by about forty port experts from both the academic field -universities, and research centers -, as well as the public sector -portary authorities, state ports, ports of the State , etc.- and the private initiative -Operators, consultants, construction companies, etc. The course will take place in full-time studies regime and in face-to-face mode, and the training will be theoretical-practical, so that experimental activities, practical sessions, technical visits, technical visits, individual and teamwork will be developed together with masterful exhibitions, individual and teamwork by the participants. As in the last editions, the academic and residential headquarters of the course will be located on the University Campus of the Llamas of the Menéndez Pelayo International University.