The Minister of Development visits the port of Santander-Press NOTE (06/26/2012)

25 Jun 2012
The Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, visited the dependencies of the port of Santander accompanied by the president of Ports of the State, José Llorca, and the president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso. During the visit, the minister brought together with the Board of Directors of the Port of Santander. At the meeting, among other issues, the investments and works planned in the port in the next years, contemplated within the 2011-2015 Investment Plan and included within the General State Budgets of 2012, which will be a total investment of 70 , 7 million euros. Subsequently, Pastor went to the docks to visit the two solid bulk terminals. Noatum Terminal Granles The first stop was in the mineral solid bulk terminal managed by the company Noatum and whose construction has established new standards in Spain with its latest generation facilities for the movement of powdrulent solid bulk. Noatum Terminal Granles has high automation and has ISO 9001/2008 certifications; 14001/2004 and 180001/2007. This makes it the only solid bulk terminal in northern Spain totally respectful of the environment. The dimensions of this terminal translate into 460,000 square meters of storage volume; 3,500 square meters of service area; 65,000 square meters of surface and 300 meters of bearing line. Within the equipment, it has two mobile cranes of 80 tons of capacity, 3 ecological automatic hoppers of 350 cubic capacity capacity and 3 spoons of 30 cubic meters of capacity, among another machinery. Noatum Terminal Granles has ship discharge capacity with 25,000 tons/day plates, and load of 2,000 tons/hour and 2,500 tons/hour to railway cars and trucks, respectively. RATE The second stop was at the agri -food solid bulk terminal that manages the company Rate and occupies around 3 hectares next to the ROOS dock 4. Among the products handled by this terminal are wheat, rye, barley, corn and corn and Other cereals, and palm and soy flour. This terminal has managed to eliminate the environmental pollution caused by the emission of agri -food solid powder. Each dust point has its respective filtration system. The agri -food solid bulk terminal integrates three areas: discharge, storage and load. These three areas are communicated through conveyor belts and chain transporters. Some of the elements of the terminal are: - Two ship downloaders - Transfer and Lot Weighing Tower - Warehouse with storage capacity of 60,000 t. - 16 Silos of 2,600 t of capacity each and two silos of 500 t. - Two load stations, a truck loading station and a cargo station - A two -way sir for the railway expedition - Automatic operation, control and terminal management system