Ferry passengers premiere the new Parking of the Muelle de Maliaño-Press NOTE (06/14/2012)

13 Jun 2012
The passengers who embarked on Wednesday, June 13 at the Pont Avento were the first to use the new parking and facilities of the Moriaño dock. In the previous days the work carried out in the area of ​​the Maritime Station for the improvement of the ship and disembarkation of the ferry and the ships that they carry on this dock had been completed. The new parking and the new accesses provide greater comfort and safety for cars and heavy vehicles that the ferry transports, eliminating bottlenecks in the input and output flows that were generated in the previous site. Together with the new parking lot, other improvements have been made such as the incorporation of intelligent transport systems, which is an important advance in the response given from the port of Santander to the current needs in maritime transport.