The ports of Santander and Zeebrugge will boost joint projects-Press NOTE (05/23/2012)

22 May 2012
The Delegation of the Puerto de Santander that has attended the 2012 Roro Fair that has been held in Goteborg on May 23 and 24, has held different meetings with shipping representatives of the Roro traffic sector, one of the most projection activities for The Santander Puerto as it groups all the traffic of trucks, vehicles and platforms. In the meetings, in which the president of the Port Authority of Santander, José Joaquín Martínez Sieso, was present, different agreements were closed, including one with the port of Zeebrugge, of the Belgian city of Bruges, with which it was agreed to promote Several projects in which both ports are currently working. In the coming months representatives of Zeebrugge will visit the port of Santander to profile these common projects. In Roro 2012 it is the largest European event on this type of maritime traffic, and in which the main ports and maritime agents of the continent have been present. For two days, there have been meetings and issues of great importance for this sector and its future have been analyzed.