José Joaquín Martínez Sieso takes possession as president of the Port Authority of Santander-Press NOTE (04/08/2011)

3 Aug 2011
El Palacete del Embarcadero today hosted the presentation of José Joaquín Martínez Sieso as president of the Port Authority of Santander. An act in also participated by the Government delegate in Cantabria, Agustín Ibáñez, and the president of the Government of Cantabria, Ignacio Diego. In his speech, the president of the PHC has referred to the port as the main antidote against the crisis and as a fundamental part of the healing of the economy and unemployment. He advocated materializing new challenges for both the port of Santander and the city and the region that go through the transformation of the maritime front, the realization of infrastructure that serves to give new business opportunities and the 2014 Candle World Cup. He believes that the Maritime Front project means "one of the most immediate possibilities of investment, innovation and employment creation in our community", and that will lead to a change "in the way of living the city and its external projection." In it, the art and culture center that promotes the Botín Foundation to which it has defined as a “world reference that will allow to compete with cities of the environment” is of importance, and which “means a step forward not only in the physical sense of advancing towards the sea, but also in the symbolic of betting on knowledge and culture as essential axes of Cantabrian identity in this century ” Similarly, it is committed to the realization of infrastructure such as the 9th Roos dock and the new Maliaño, as well as the gain of a large surface for a new port space, such as the keys to return to traffic volumes prior to the crisis , since "they will serve to give new business opportunities to the entire territory that, in our community and in the relatively close areas of other communities, such as Castilla y León, have as reference this bay and these docks." It has also referred to the 2014 Candle World Cup as “a great opportunity that must suppose the definitive support for a more international port and region, more open, more thrown into the future and, therefore, more proud to show what they are and to practice their roots and their cultural values. ” Finally, he expressed his belief in the need for collaboration between administrations and his desire for a port “in permanent contact with the Society of Santander, with the neighborhoods closest to its facilities, with all groups and sectors interested in advancing in quality of life, the environment and in that fact, so everyday but so difficult to summarize with words, that it is the experience of the sea by a city and a region ”.