Santander Port Authority designs shock plan to alleviate covid-19 consequences

24 Apr 2020

The Santander Port Authority designs a shock plan to alleviate the consequences of covid-19 The initiative, implementable in different areas immediately, aims to reduce the negative impact of this health and economic crisis among members of the Port Community. Santander 24/04/2020. Following the publication of Royal Decree-Law 15/2020, of 21 April, of additional urgent measures to support the economy and employment, and in the face of the loss of activity that Covid-19 is causing in the multiple companies that make up the Port Community, the Port Authority of Santander has adopted a series of economic measures aimed at supporting the economy and employment in Cantabria. These measures, which are already under way and others pending agreement by the Governing Body, aim to increase the competitiveness of the port infrastructure and, therefore, the productive system of the Autonomous Community. They focus mainly on payments from companies to the Port Authority for concepts such as minimum traffic, occupation, activity, ship or tax debts. Thus, we can highlight some such as: • Delay in the settlement of fees to dealers until the last quarter of the year instead of in July, as usual. • Deferment of the entry of the tax debt corresponding to port charges accrued between 13 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 for any port fee, with the following conditions: The period will be six months. • No interest for late payment or guarantees will be required • Temporary reduction of the requirements for minimum traffic and its penalties, incorporated in the titles of concessions whose subject matter has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. This reduction will be made at the dealer's bee. The conditions of this reduction are: - It only refers to the minimum traffic required in 2020. It would be a decision to change the concessional title, on an exceptional basis, by the Board of Directors. • They shall be approved using proportionality criteria in relation to the effects of COVID-19 on the activity of the concession, on a case-by-case basis. • Reduction in the occupancy rate. Maximum reduction, at the request of the data subject, of 20% of the full quota compared to the outstanding rates in the 2020 financial year, taking into account the variations in costs or demand conditions produced by the crisis. • Elimination of lower limits of the activity rate. On a proposal from the taxable person, justified in the impact of COVID-19, the minimum limits on the rate of activity provided for in Article 188(b) 2o 1 of the Consolidated Text of the Law on Ports of the State and the Merchant Navy may be devoid of effect, in particular: the limit of 20% of the share of the land occupancy rate. • The limit of traffic or minimum activity established by the type of levy. • Inactive vessel reducer coefficient: application, during the alarm state, of the idle coefficient to maritime service vessels from the first day of docking rather than from the seven days it is established. • Reduction, during the alarm state, of the coefficients of vessels intended for port services. • Modification of the basic amount for short-distance maritime transport at the ship's rate. From 22 April and while the alarm status is prolonged, reduction of the basic amount of 1.20.- s of the ship's fee to: 1.08.-- in general for short-distance maritime transport vessels - 0.60.- s for short-distance shipping vessels attached to a regular maritime passenger or road freight service. Due to the typology of traffics in the port of Santander, this measure has a significant impact on them. On the other hand, the Port Authority has reduced the average payment period to suppliers, creditors and customers to ten days, making the payment of more than 4 million euros during this period. *Workers. Following the publication in the B.O.E. of R.D. 463/2020 declaring the State of Alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, the APS adopted a series of measures aimed at reducing the face-to-face activity of workers and ensuring the protection of essential services. Thus, 80% of the workforce has been developing non-face-to-face work since the start of the crisis. Among the workers who are part of the essential service, mainly Port Police, the Covid-19 test is carried out as soon as the first symptoms appear and, in addition, EPI (Individual Protection Equipment) material has been provided to the entire Port Community, from the first moment of entry into force of the alarm status. In this sense, the APS has managed to make, formally, all port activity have essential service consideration during the alarm state so that, people who carry out their usual activity in the port, are considered "essential personnel" when presenting symptoms and, therefore, they are also tested for contagion. On the other hand, to date only one positive case of Covid-19 has been counted among the APS staff, which is already favorably recovered. *Corporate Social Responsibility. The Port Authority has launched, together with the artist Okuda and diario Montañés, the contest "Coloreando Cantabria" for children between 4 and 12 years old. It's about the little ones being able to express their feelings and show their ideas for building a better world once the crisis we're experiencing has passed. Another of the actions of the APS, in this regard, was to offer the Government Delegation space within the Port Service Zone so that the Military Emergency Unit (EME) can establish its base of operations there for the realization of its disinfection work in Cantabria. With the adoption of these measures and the maintenance of all services, the port of Santander and the companies that are part of the Port Community contribute essentially to ensuring maritime and land transport to supply the consumer market.