Santander, pilot port of the KeyPort Project

19 Nov 2019

It is a BERG initiative linked to the concept of Port 4.0, consisting of the digitization of port services and operations. A way to guide the role of consignment through the use of distributed logging technology (DLT), the same on which Blockchain is based.

This pilot initiative, developed in Santander by BERG in collaboration with the Port Authority, Ports of the States, Maritime Captaincy, MARPOL service providers and logistics and technology consultancy Conceptual KLT, aims to mark a turning point in the sectoral transformation of the logistics-port community.

It is a project, linked to the concept of Port 4.0, to guide the new role of consignment through the use of distributed logging technology (DLT). The objective is to digitize and automate port and commercial services, as well as develop new services and new ways to provide them. Keyport also responds to the goal of environmental commitment in ports to make them, in addition to being smart, sustainable.

Within the multiple applications of this digital ecosystem, this first phase is addressing the automation of waste management operations in accordance with the MARPOL International Convention to prevent contamination. It should be recalled that the International MARPOL Convention of the International Maritime Organization (under the UN) arises to prevent pollution of the marine environment by ships. The following steps for the deployment of the project will be aimed at the sensorization of ships to record movement data in ballast and waste tanks, automated detection of the ship's entry into the port through Artificial Intelligence and the deployment of MarPOL Keyport nodes in different Spanish ports.