Organismos Oficiales



Import and export cargo controls authorizations to the Port of Santander from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food:

PCF (Border CheckPoint), for the inspection of:

  • Animal origin products for human use or consumption at ambient temperature or refrigerated or frozen. Inspecting organism: Foreign Health.

  • Packed animal origin products for non-human use or consumption. Inspecting organism: Animal Health.

  • Packed non-animal origin products for non-human use or consumption without temperature requirementes. Inspecting organism: Animal Health.

RAH (Customs bonded warehouse), for the inspection of non-animal products for human consumption packed at ambient temperature. Inspecting organism: Foreign Health.

PIF-fito (Phytosanitary Inspection Point), vegetables and vegetable products. Inspecting organism: Plant Health.


Port of Santander Border Inspection Services for the control and inspection of cargo:

Foreign Health under the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare.
Tlf: 942 999 090/942 999 091

Animal Health under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Tlf: 942 999 082/942 999 083/942 999 084
Fax: 942999089

Plant Health under the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Tlf: 942 999 040/942 999 081