The Port Authority and the Food Bank receive a major donation from the Cantabria Health Forum

2 Oct 2020

INSIDE THE "PALACETE DEL EMBARCADERO" CAMPAIGN. ZERO AREA OF SOLIDARITY" The Port Authority and the Food Bank receive an important donation from the Cantabria Health Forum The Port Authority and the Food Bank of Cantabria today received an economic donation from The Cantabria Health Forum to target the solidarity campaign launched in March. With this gesture, the entity wants to help alleviate the effects that the COVID 19 crisis is having on the most vulnerable. Santander 02/10/2020. Foro Sanitario de Cantabria made an economic contribution to the Food Bank of Cantabria this morning at apS headquarters within the "Palacete del Embarcadero" campaign. Zero Zone of Solidarity". An initiative that represents, according to the president of the organization, Juan José Sánchez Asensio, a way of collaborating so that "we can all get out of this crisis together". Professional Health Forum of Cantabria, consisting of eleven schools of health professionals, contributes, through this type of solidarity actions, to the improvement of the quality of life of the citizens of the Autonomous Community.

This financial donation is the result of a broader action, initiated in June by the Health Forum, which consisted of the collection of food in the facilities of professional schools, as well as the opening of a bank account so that, both schools and collegiate, they could make contributions throughout the summer. This was about facilitating food donations and showing the solidarity of health professionals during the pandemic. For his part, the president of the APS, Jaime González, thanked the collective for this "so supportive" gesture and advocated that people continue to collaborate in a "so generous" way so that the Food Bank can continue to help meet the basic needs of all those who live in Cantabria as it is still "much needed".

Following the success of the first phase, which ended in July, the APS and the Food Bank plan to make a second phase that would take place during the last months of the year. The solidarity campaign "Palacete del Embarcadero. Zone Zero of Solidarity" aims to collect non-perishable food and necessities donated by companies and citizens for distribution among vulnerable individuals and families. It should not be forgotten that the COVID-19 crisis has aggravated the situation of many people by causing a real food alarm. The APS, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility actions, is committed to the Food Bank to develop an information campaign to ask citizens and companies and institutions to donate non-perishable food and commodities according to the needs of the Food Bank.