Rehabilitation work on the Maritime Station will be completed in November

19 Oct 2020

The rehabilitation works of the Maritime Station will be completed in November Santander 08/10/2020. The Advisor of Innovation, Industry, Transport and Commerce, Francisco Martín; the president of the Port Authority of Santander (APS), Jaime González and the director of the APS, Santiago Díaz Fraile, visited today the work of the Maritime Station to know first-hand the state of rehabilitation and what are the intended uses of the building. The reform, awarded to the ETE formed by GICSA and CETECO, began in December 2019, with a budget of more than one million euros and is expected to be completed in early November. The work consists of the realization of a set of actions to improve the state of conservation, functionality and use of a building that has a unique design, so it has been tried to maintain to the maximum the original aesthetic designed by the architect Ricardo Lorenzo García in 1971.

The main actions include: • waterproofing of decks. • redistribution of indoor spaces to improve utilization, opening the lobby to the south to overlook the bay from the inside. • Structural repairs throughout the building • repair and waterproofing of the exposed brick facade. • restoration and replacement of exterior carpentry. • construction of a second elevator to expedite the disembarkation of ferries. • Improved interior lighting with LED lights. • new space for the National Police. • new space for the Machichaco museum. • new space for the tourist office. • preparation of the walkable roof for future use as a restaurant terrace.

The councillor highlighted the new distribution of the building "much more modern and understandable" for the passenger and recalled that this work is the "first stone" of a "deeper" transformation that will "redraw" the seafront giving it "greater functionality and attractiveness". Martín thus referred to the "important" investment involved in the transfer of the Ferri Station to the Muelles de Maliaño with the reform of the infrastructure, the construction of the new terminal and the implementation of bunker supply facilities of Gas Natural Licuado (LNG). For his part, the president of the APS assured that the reform of the Maritime Station will entail not only an "obvious" improvement of service to cruise passengers but also the value of a building that will serve "for the enjoyment of all citizens".