Port of Santander replaces thirteen polluting vehicles with environmentally friendly ones

15 Dec 2022
The Port of Santander replaces thirteen polluting vehicles with environmentally friendly ones. The Port Authority has taken advantage of the Plan to boost the value chain of the automotive industry of the Government of Spain to renew its fleet of vehicles for other non-polluting ones. Santander 15-12-21. The president of the Port Authority, Francisco Martin, said today that the replacement of port cars over ten years old that use polluting energies for environmentally friendly vehicles is a measure "necessary" to work "from all areas for a clean and technologically responsible economy". Martin, who has already signed the receipt of ten of the thirteen vehicles to be replaced, considered that addressing the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, is "an obligation to achieve sustainable mobility in transport globally that will also help to improve air quality". The replacement of these vehicles is part of the "Plan to Promote the Value Chain of the Automotive Industry, towards Sustainable and Connected Mobility", of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, through the General Directorate for the Rationalization and Centralization of Procurement (DGRCC). Thanks to this initiative, whereby the APS undertakes to scrap the replaced vehicles, the institution has already received three Renault Zoe V. Life 40 R90 YF0, four Nissan Leaf 40 KWH, three Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV and is pending to receive three Renault OZ. ZE 270 NEDC.