The Port of Santander fish market obtains MSC Chain of Custody certification for anchovy and bonito tuna species

25 Mar 2022
The fish market of the Port of Santander obtains MSC certification of the chain of custody for the anchovy and bonito species. This recognizes the sustainability and traceability of these species in the Santander fish market. The president of the APS has highlighted the importance of obtaining this seal and collaborate in the development of sustainable fishing through responsible practices. Santander 23-03-22. The fish market of the Port of Santander has managed to obtain one of the most important distinctions that exist in terms of sustainability and traceability of anchovy and bonito in the market. This seal recognizes that the species that are marketed in this enclosure meet strict standards of chain of custody in terms of traceability. For the president of the APS, Francisco Martín, this is an "indispensable" certification to collaborate "in the development of sustainable fishing through responsible practices". A blue MSC seal is awarded to certified companies throughout the supply chain, from fishing vessels, through fish markets, processing companies, markets and restaurants, ensuring traceability and chain of custody. MSC certification meets sustainability criteria, avoids overfishing and guarantees environmentally and socially responsible production. From the Ministry of Rural Development, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment, the Minister Guillermo Blanco has applauded this initiative, "which arose at the request of the sector and which the APS has so readily accepted", as it improves the marketing conditions of these species in our region by opening up much more modern and sustainable markets, and guarantees the achievement of the European Union's fishing policies.