The port of Santander is committed to sustainable mobility with the replacement of thirteen polluting vehicles with environmentally friendly ones.

26 Jan 2022
The Port of Santander is committed to sustainable mobility with the replacement of thirteen polluting vehicles with environmentally friendly ones. This action is part of the Plan to boost the value chain of the automotive industry value chain of the Government of Spain to renew its fleet of vehicles for other non-polluting ones. Santander 26-01-22. With the reception of 3 RENAULT OZ.ZE. KANGOO, the Port of Santander today completes the replacement of the cars more than ten years old that it had been using until now and that were running on polluting energies. In total there are thirteen ecological vehicles that the Port Authority (APS) has received with the commitment to scrap the replaced vehicles. The replacement of these vehicles is part of the "Plan to boost the value chain of the Automotive Industry, towards a Sustainable and Connected mobility", of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, through the General Directorate of Rationalization and Centralization of Procurement (DGRCC). The president of the APS, Francisco Martín, thanked the Ministry for the initiative and pointed out that this type of actions are necessary to "promote, also from the public sphere, a clean and technologically responsible economy". Martín considered that "facing the increase in greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels" is "an obligation for all of us" if we want to advance towards sustainable mobility in transport at a global level. Thanks to this initiative, APS has received a total of three Renault Zoe V. Life 40 R90 YF0, four Nissan Leaf 40 KWH, three Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV and three Renault OZ. ZE 270 NEDC. The president of the APS received these three new vehicles of the Plan to Boost the value chain of the automotive industry from the hands of the regional comptroller of Cantabria, Ana Jimenez. The head of the Coastal Demarcation in Cantabria, José Antonio Osorio, also took part in the ceremony, with the purpose of receiving another three RENAULT OZ.ZE. KANGOO destined to the General Directorate of the Coast and the Sea, under the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.