The Port Authority of Santander will lead an Energy Community whose objective is to achieve a 50% reduction in electricity bills.

4 Apr 2022
The Port Authority of Santander will lead an Energy Community whose objective is to achieve a 50% reduction in electricity bills. This figure, which will be formed during the year in the port, will group consumers under an electricity generation project for self-consumption using photovoltaic technology. Francisco Martín: "In the face of rising prices, and regardless of the measures adopted by the State, we will act to reduce the cost of electricity for our operators. Our intention is that the port energy community can be self-sufficient by means of solar panels placed on the port roofs". Santander 04-04-22. The president of the Port Authority of Santander (APS), Francisco Martin, said this morning that "given the unstoppable rise in electricity prices and, after studying various alternatives" the APS has contracted a feasibility study with the Cantabrian company TEICAN, a pioneer in Cantabria in the field of renewable energy, "to make a proposal for the implementation of Energy Community in the port". Martín explained that this formula "which is going to play a special role in the electricity market in the coming years", consists of "grouping consumers in an electricity generation project for self-consumption using photovoltaic technology". Among the advantages highlighted by the port's top manager is that of generating energy, without polluting emissions into the atmosphere, in the same place where it is consumed, thus avoiding losses in the grid. As he pointed out "we will study all economic formulas to participate in this project will mean, both for port companies and for the APS itself, in addition to significant environmental benefits and image, a significant savings in energy costs. The president of the port has pointed out that the idea arises from the need to "optimize resources by putting in value the thousands of square meters of roofs of ships that are in the port and housing in them solar generation facilities, clean and renewable". In this way, "a reduction of the carbon footprint and, according to estimates, a saving of 50% in the electricity bill of the companies located in the port area" could be achieved. Martin added that "the creation of this Energy Community will also lay the foundations for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals on energy efficiency and emissions reduction that the APS plans to certify in 2022".