The Port Authority publishes "Exponential technologies and their impact on ports and their logistic chains" as part of the Navalia Aula collection.

28 Sep 2021
The Port Authority publishes "Exponential technologies and their impact on ports and their logistic chains" in the Navalia Aula - Cuadernos collection. The volume gathers the texts of the conferences offered during the Meeting of the same title held last September 8th within the summer academic activities of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP). It is an informative publication whose content focuses on the effects that both these technologies and the 4.0 tools are beginning to produce in the way ports and their logistics chains operate. Santander 27-09-21. The edition of the book "Exponential technologies and their impact on ports and their logistics chains", published by the Port Authority of Santander (APS), has been edited by the directors of the course, Santiago Díaz Fraile and Óscar Pernía Fernández, and the head of the corporate activities department of the APS, José Ramón Ruíz Manso. The book, which is nearly 140 pages long, brings together in article format the lectures given by the experts who took part in the meeting that took place on September 8 as part of the summer courses of the UIMP. The event was organized by the APS with the collaboration of NextPort. This seminar addressed six key issues in the technological transformation that is taking place in ports, and that is called to drive disruptions in their "modus operandi" and business models in the coming years: digital ecosystems 4.0, digital twins, port management technology platforms, physical internet, terminal automation and artificial intelligence. The Meeting on Exponential Technologies and their Impact on Ports and their Logistics Chains, led by Santiago Díaz Fraile, director of the APS and Óscar Pernía, founding partner of Next-Port, was attended by nearly 70 executives, technicians and professionals from the logistics sector, as well as students, entrepreneurs, startups and technology companies attracted by the opportunities offered by this industry. For the president of the APS, Francisco Martin, this type of technologies, are characterized "by their great power of transformation" of the ports, "extensive to all areas of human activity". Martin has also pointed out that the Port Authority "aware of the opportunities offered by digitization" is already working "on such innovative concepts as digital twins, artificial intelligence or automation of infrastructures" to "continue betting on specialization and new technologies and make the port more competitive and sustainable". This volume, number 7 of the Navalia Aula Cuadernos Collection, can be purchased both at the Librería Gil stores and at the Palacete del Embarcadero and the Centro de Arte Faro de Cabo Mayor.