The Port Authority increases competitiveness and safety in its works thanks to the collegiate endorsement of the professional work of Civil Engineers.

10 Jan 2023
The Port Authority increases competitiveness and safety in its works thanks to the collegiate endorsement of the professional works of Civil Engineers. The APS has signed today an agreement with the College of Civil Engineers for the documentary, technical and regulatory verification of the professional works carried out by its members. Santander 10-01-23. The president of the Port Authority of Santander (APS), Francisco Martin, said today, during the signing of an agreement with the College of Civil Engineers (CICCP) for the endorsement of professional work, that "despite not being mandatory" these checks "will serve to increase competitiveness, efficiency and safety in the port". Martin has also assured that, "although this action is already being carried out in most of the works", the agreement with the CICCP "will provide the institution with a framework that will allow to speed up the procedures for the provision of this service and reduce the price of the visa". The endorsement must verify that the works carried out or in which Civil Engineers participate comply with the documentary, technical and regulatory requirements applicable in each case and will include the coverage of the Professional Civil Liability policies that the Association has contracted depending on the activity endorsed. For his part, the dean of the Demarcation of Cantabria of the College of Civil Engineers, Ezequiel San Emeterio, said that this agreement "supports and guarantees the quality of the projects being carried out in the Port of Santander and also guarantees the responsibility acquired by the members in the various works, a coverage that extends to other professionals involved in the execution of these". San Emeterio has also referred to the port as the "engine of the economy of Cantabria" and has ensured that from the College also support "those projects linked to the logistics project of La Pasiega, essential not to interfere in the sheet of water". During the signing of the agreement, were also present the president of the College of Civil Engineers, Miguel Angel Carrillo; the deputy dean of the Demarcation of Cantabria of the College of Civil Engineers, Luis Angel Fernandez and the secretary of the Demarcation of Cantabria of the College of Civil Engineers, Christian Martinez.