More than twenty-five boats participate this Saturday in the II Port Authority Regatta

12 Jul 2022
More than twenty-five boats participate this Saturday in the II Regatta Port Authority -It is organized by the Royal Cantabrian Sailing Federation and the Port Authority of Santander. -The cruiser and J80 classes will participate, it will take place in the Abra de El Sardinero. It is included in the activities of the 150th anniversary of the Port of Santander. 11.7.2021, Santander-More than 25 boats will take part in the Port Authority Regatta organized by the Cantabrian Sailing Federation and the Port Authority of Santander, which will take place in the waters of the Abra de El Sardinero on Saturday, July 16. The regatta is suitable for cruising and J80 classes. The participating boats are mostly from the region and belong to the Real Club Marítimo de Santander and Club Náutico Deportivo Marina del Cantábrico. This sporting event arises from the close collaboration between the two institutions and aims to highlight the support of the Port Authority of Santander in all initiatives undertaken by the sport of sailing in the environment of the Bay of Santander. This year, moreover, the competition is part of the 150th anniversary of the Port of Santander, and coincides with the feast of the Virgen del Carmen, patron saint of sailors and the Spanish Navy. The president of the Cantabrian Sailing Federation, Fernando Mirapeix, thanked the Port Authority "for all the support it gives to the Cantabrian Sailing Federation, not only through this regatta, but also for the organization of cultural activities and, of course, the support in improving the facilities of the Isla de la Torre". Mirapeix added that it is expected the participation of more than 25 cruisers "which is a success", and considers that it will be an event for the city of Santander, as "it is worth to know the people, when they see all those sails deployed in the Bay and in the Abra del Sardinero". He also highlighted the coincidence of the regatta with the celebration of the Feast of the Virgen del Carmen, "a very dear day for all lovers of the sea, and will begin once the procession is over; all boats can participate in the maritime procession and when it ends with the offering of flowers on the Island of Mouro, the starting line will already be ready". Mirapeix added that there are places available for all those who want to participate. The presentation of this II Port Authority Regatta was held outside the Maritime Station of Santander, which was also attended by the director of the Port Authority, Santiago Diaz who said that the will of the Port Authority is to continue supporting this event and give continuity: "hopefully yes, and more in the context of the 150th anniversary of the Port of Santander and the day of the patron saint," referring to the Feast of Carmen, "which is also the patron saint of the Port. Sports program The program of the sporting event will begin on Saturday, July 16 at 10:30 am with the skippers' meeting, which will be held via Zoom. Later, at 14:30, after the traditional maritime procession in honor of the Virgen del Carmen, will begin the tests in the Abra de El Sardinero. And finally, around 19:30, the trophies will be awarded to the winners of the race in the Isla de la Torre, headquarters of the school of the Cantabrian Sailing Federation. There are 2 races scheduled and the sailors must complete 1 for the validity of the regatta. If the weather conditions allow it, they will be held on Saturday. The first race will be with a start into the wind and a small course in the Abra del Sardinero, and as soon as it is finished, a course will be made that will foreseeably extend between Galizano and La Maruca. This second test will be reversed, that is to say that the slowest boat (the small ones) leaves first, so that it is calculated so that all arrive at the same time to the Isla de la Torre, "although obviously they can not all arrive at the same time, and then, the first to cross the line, will be the one who wins," explained the president of the federation. Sunday has been left as a reserve day in case it is not possible to complete the races on Saturday. To access the Isla de la Torre, the organization will have different types of boats including zodiacs to pick up participants and guests in the vicinity of the island, on the beach of Magdalena in front of the Spa or other points. The Notice of Race with all the technical information can be seen on the website of the Cantabrian Sailing Federation following this link. Trophy Ceremony The trophy ceremony will be held on the Island of La Torre and will be attended by the President of the Port Authority of Santander, Francisco Martin and the President of the Cantabrian Sailing Federation, Fernando Mirapeix, as well as other civil and military authorities. After the trophy ceremony will be held a lunch enlivened with music and other activities.